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Charles M Menson's Profile

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I wrote my first book, DIVORCE! Not an option, between the years 2007 and 2009, and secured the Copyright to it in 2009. I was a newly divorced 56 year old residing in Gaithersburg, Maryland. After proceeding to shelve the manuscript in my Home Office drawer for the next 14 years due to bottlenecks (Financial, etc.) placed on my path by prospective Publishing Houses, I resolved to put on ice temporarily, my ambition to be an Author.


I remarried in 2017, and my beautiful and wonderful wife, NANCY, who happens to be a blessing from GOD, read the manuscript and advised me to look for a Publisher as soon as practicable, due to the book's Spirituality, Vision and relevance to Society in general. My spirituality became more elevated during my 12 years of DIVORCE and was drawn more closely to GOD, than previously. Although l am quiet by nature, the reflections I had during this solemn period made it more pronounced. Not-mentioning l was brought up in the strict Catholic Religion.(Never married in the Catholic Church)


I am obsessed with cleanliness and well-organized to a fault, as my wife repeatedly points out to me, but secretly admires. I am also flattered when most acquaintances of mine say l have an imposing presence with a very engaging personality that commands a lot of respect. Notwithstanding these God-given qualities of mine, l am never complacent, neither do l deny capitalizing on them during job interviews or very delicate business negotiations over the years.


I love writing. Writing is my passion and it comes to me naturally. I have written a lot of articles and inspirational personal quotes on various topics that can be perused at my website. I believe in Free Press and Democracy. My other passion is CHARITY work. I like being the " RAINBOW in someone's CLOUD". My Charity affiliations are also on my website.

I am retired now at the age of 71 and working on the (Volume 2) of my book. My wife, NANCY and l reside in Silver Spring, Maryland.


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Tel: 1-800-772-SHIP(7447)

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38101 USA

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